- 1
Bug with the Recaller... or the Wither Arena Ritual, maybe both
#7 opened by Asveste - 0
Biome Crystal Color Handler is broken
#12 opened by Lemonszz - 0
Tall grass is not broken when Arcane Hoe creates farmland of the block under it
#16 opened by katubug - 0
Some dungeon raid requests
#17 opened by katubug - 0
Dungeon raid lag
#18 opened by Shadowgoust - 0
configurable ritual slots
#20 opened by Foreck1 - 0
Request - Location-specific rituals
#21 opened by Kompreya - 0
In ru-lang has many typos
#22 opened by nailfor - 1
Crash when creating a raid - 0.0.5
#2 opened by TheTestMod - 5
Pack maker request: ritual command
#4 opened by wizard1399 - 3
Dungeon Raid can gen uncompletable
#3 opened by thephoenixlodge - 3
Crash due to Wither Skull Griefing Event
#6 opened by DarkYuan