Request - Location-specific rituals
Kompreya opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I'm a dev on Rebirth of the Night. We are currently working on overhauling magic in our modpack, and would love to include this mod, especially for the ritual table.
A feature we would love is being able to, via CT scripts, limit/restrict specific rituals to defined locations such as dimension, biome, and structure (via structure name).
Structure should also be compatible with modded structures that hook into default structure naming, such as recurrent complex.
Additionally, other parameters should be definable, such as time of day, gamestage, weather, season (serene seasons mod) moon phase (Nyx mod and vanilla), and more.
Example: A ritual that summons a demonic ice golem. Can only be performed in cold biomes during night and with a blood moon.
Or summon a werewolf, can only be performed in forests during full moon.
This would realllllly add to the magic of rituals!