Arcane World

Arcane World


Crash due to Wither Skull Griefing Event

DarkYuan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Mod Version: arcaneworld-1.12.2-0.0.8

Forge Version: forge-

This issue occurs on the lastest version of Forge? (Y/N): Untested, will reply with results

Crash Log (Post to Pastebin/Other Text hosting): [Pastebin Link]

What happens: Upon approaching a Wither in the overworld, if it shoots a skull the game crashes


Tested again on latest version, forge-
Arcane World and Various Oddities installed [Pastebin Link]

I thought it might have had something to do with that other mod, since their Giant mob can actually break through the ceiling blocks in the dungeon.


Same thing still hapens on forge *.68
But it happened while walking through the nether


Fixed (Finally) pending next release.