The mod is currently in-development, It's main purpose is as a compilation of features many people on public servers for M&A have requested, mostly for the sake of resource renewability, that may not fit Mithion's goals for the base mod itself.
This mod has absorbed a number of features from Hallzmine's Mana Plus addon, at his request, as he felt they detracted from the direction he wishes to take his mod in.
The current available features are as follows:
1.) Flower Seeds:
Aum Seeds - A renewable source of Aums; requires 2x purified vinteum dust, 1x aum, and 1x wheat seed to craft.
Cerublossom Seeds - A renewable source of Cerublossoms; requires 2x purified vinteum dust, 1x cerublossom, and 1x wheat seed to craft.
Desert Nova Seeds - A renewable source of Desert novas; requires 1x purified vinteum dust, 1x wakebloom seed, 1x cactus, and 1x wheat seed to craft.
Tarma Root Seeds - A renewable source of Tarma Roots; requires 1x purified vinteum dust, 1x aum seed, 1x vine, and 1x wheat seed to craft.
Wakebloom Seeds - A renewable source of Wakeblooms; requires 1x purified vinteum dust, 1x cerublossom seed, 1x lilypad and 1x wheat seed to craft.
↪ All valid plantable/growable ground for each crop is configurable via tags, however only wakebloom can be placed directly on fluid blocks.
↪ Default valid ground: Aum, Cerublossom, and Tarma Root -> farmland; Desert Nova -> sand; Wakebloom -> water.
1.) Items:
Mana Monocle - A head-slot curio in the artifice tab of the guidebook, unlocked at tier 2, while equipped you can right click a block with an empty hand to display the area of effect of the nearest Warding Candle.
↪ Shift right click a block with an empty hand to clear the effect.
2.) Recipes:
Clear Rune of Marking - Shapeless recipe with a single rune of marking to clear it of any saved location data.
Alternate recipes for Desert Nova, Tarma Root and Wakebloom seeds using the flower itself, 2x purified vinteum dust and 1x wheat seed.
Compression recipe for Vinteum Dust - Like crafting redstone dust into a redstone block but it gives you blue sand instead of a redstone block.
↪ Vinteum Powder crafts back into 9 Vinteum Dust.
Manaweaving recipe for the Mana Monocle - Rrecipe included in the guidebook entry in the artifice tab.
3.) Rituals:
Ritual of Unspelling - Opposite of the Ritual of Arcana; Takes a spell as it's central item, do some magic, wave your wand around and viola- collapses the spell back into it's mundane components.
↪ (Requires four Chimerite Crystals and four Mana Reservoirs placed as indicated in the codex, the crystals must be attuned to the affinity opposite the spell's primary, and the reservoirs must be full, it doesn't return the enchanted vellum, nor the complexity foci.) The ritual should provide appropriate feedback should any condition be unmet when attempting to activate the ritual.
Ritual of Treason - Tired of your current faction? Wishing you had picked a different one to ally with from the start? Take personal offense at irreversible choices in sandbox block game? This is the ritual for you!
↪ This ritual allows you to abandon your current faction for an opportunity to join another, comes with some rather heavy side effects, consequences, and your abandoned faction will be very unhappy about this.
Ritual of Catharsis - This ritual is used to cleanse various magical effects from the body and can purge most affinities and afflictions. The ritual will require four Chimerite Crystals placed as depicted in the codex and attuned to an affinity opposite your own. The ritual should provide appropriate feedback should any condition be unmet when attempting to activate the ritual.
↪ The central reagent required for this ritual is a greater mote of your primary affinity, it also requires four conditional reagents meant to represent the affinity opposite your own, the codex shows what items can be used, any combination of the four items for an affinity can be used though the ritual reagent indicator cannot currently reflect this. After completing the ritual you must then stand in the middle of the magical effect it creates at it's center for the effect to apply.
↪ The conditional reagents are intended to all be of roughly equal effort to obtain and are defined by item tags meaning you can modify them in any way you wish through a datapack(The images listing the possible items in the codex may need to be manually changed as well). If anyone believes an item is too easy or too expensive compared to the others or feels a different item suits a certain affinity better, please do pass any alternative ideas my way.
↪ I will probably add some additional perks to this ritual in the near future.
4.) Command(s?):
/afuicfg - Takes two arguments, x-position and y-position, used to change the location of the Mana Monocle Hud element, more details in the config file . ↪ (its a bit wonky but its also just a temporary measure.) no longer used as of alpha8/beta4- more to come soon though.
5.) Other Stuff:
Alternative Codex Arcana obtainment method - Reminiscent of the method for getting the Arcane Compendium back in AM2.
↪ Place a book into an item frame in the same block as a cerublossom and right click with a manaweaving wand to turn the book into a brand new Codex Arcana, no villagers or worldgen RNG required.
Botched Rune Recycling - Throwing your messed up runes at stuff is satisfying and destressing, but what happens if you smash one into some fresh clay?
Vinteum Powder - Its just blue sand, it doesnt do anything special, but it could, suggestions welcome, within reason.
Client Config File - Currently just used to store the position of the Mana Monocle Hud element, will be populated with more extensive configurability in the near future.
Server Config File - Option to enable or disable the alternative Codex Arcana obtainment method.
Future additions?
I have some ideas for some more utilities but am always welcoming new suggestions feel free to submit ideas in the comments, on github or on the Mana&Artifice official discord.
Yes you can use this mod in your modpack, that's how curseforge works.