Area Ping

Area Ping


Get a warning when you leave an area!

Use '-' to open the configuration GUI, set your parameters, and save. To clear the set area via the GUI, leave all spaces blank.

Command Usage

Setting a minimum:

/areaping set ("x"|"y"|"z") min <coordinate>

example: /areaping set x min -100

Setting a maximum:

/areaping set ("x"|"y"|"z") max <coordinate>

example: /areaping set y max 98

Setting a range:

/areaping set ("x"|"y"|"z") between <lower bound> <upper bound>

example: /areaping set z between 690 735

Clearing limits:

/areaping clear ["x"|"y"|"z"]

example (clears all limits): /areaping clear

example (clears x limit): /areaping clear x

- made with love for the iSV Server