Armor & damage scaling[Forge/Fabric]

Armor & damage scaling[Forge/Fabric]


[Help/Feature Request]

PixelatedBruh opened this issue · 5 comments


Hi I am trying to do this
"armorFormula": {
"desc:": "Armor damage reduction formula, damage is multiplied by the value returned.Input value: armor Default:15/(armor+15)",
"armorFormula": "(damage * armor / (2 * armor)) / damage"

The game crashes when using "damage" as a value in the formula. Without this as a value I can use, I do not know how to make a formula that lets me get the desired results I want. 😭


mod version 2.1 for fabric
minecraft version 1.19.2


to help explain what i was trying to do. I am trying to make every armor point reduce incoming damage by half the amount as long as it is the same value as the armor. example

5 incoming damage against 5 armor points resulting in 2.5 damage received.

or 27 damage against 27 armor doing a total of 13.5

and further more if and attack does 20 damage but the armor value is higher like 40.
it would do only 1/4 the damage (5 damage)


which mod version is this? crash logs?


well if you read the config desc you'd notice that you only got armor as input parameter for the formula :D Update to version 2.5


if you see this quick question. what are all the operators I can use? I am having an issue of having less armor than the damage source multiplying the damage above the original.

I guess what I need is a check for if the damage value is higher than the armor value it either ignores the armor or uses a different formula


update I have got my intended result with this formula.

"MIN(damage,((damage * (1.5 / armor)) * damage))"

thank you for the amazing mod