Embrace the forbidden convergence, where the elegance of Source magic meets the allure of dark arts.
Ars Oscura is the spiritual successor of Tome of Blood made by SadieLuna.
It adds Ars Nouveau integrations for various popular mods like Blood Magic and Occultism.
Blood Magic Integration
- Tome of Blood is a special spellbook which lets you cast spells using Blood Magic Life Points(LP)
- Glyph of Sentient Harm is a glyph which does sentient damage and scales with the amount of Demon will in the player Inventory
- Mana Attunement living armor trait
Occultism Integration
- Spirits can now be used from within Containment Jars
Future updates will include:
- Living armor traits for spells
- Blood Magic Threads for Ars Nouveau armor
- Corrupted Mobs
- More demonic glyphs
- More occultism integrations