Arthropod Reborn

Arthropod Reborn


Arthropod reborn is a mod about new types of arthropods, such as spiders, scorpions, crabs, etc. This is my first mod so I hope you enjoy it, here is a short look at what it brings 
(I clarify that this mod is focused on bringing new mobs) (REQUIRES GECKOLIB)


Lush tarantula:

They spawn in lush caves, it has 20 of health, his drop is tarantula raw and they are poisonous and hostile

Deepslate scorpion:

They spawn in deepslate caves, it has 25 of health, his drop is deepslate stone and scorpion skin for a armor and they are hostile and poisonnous

Dripstone beetle:

They spawn in dripstone caves, it has 30 of health, they dont drop anything for now, and they are neutral

Amethyst crab:

They spawn in a new geode structure, it has 16 of health, they dont drop amethyst and they are passive

Glow fly:

They spawn sometimes in caves and lush caves, it has 8 of health, they dont drop anything for now and they are passive

Sculk cockroach:

They spawn in deepdark, it has 20 of health, they dont drop anything for now, and they are passive

Ender crab: 

They spawn in end midlands, it has 55 of health, they dont drop anything for now and they are neutral

Chorus Isopod:

They spawn in end highlands, it has 26 of heatlh, they dont drop anything for now and they are passive

Endstone spider:

They spawn in end barrens, it has 30 of health, they dont drop anything for now and they are neutral

Ender parasite:

They spawn sometimes in the end but mainly when you kill Endstone spider, it has 8 of health, they dont drop anynthing and they are hostile

Basalt crab:

They spawn in basalt deltas, it has 50 of health, they dont drop anything for now  and they are neutral

Soul lobster:

They spawn in soul sand valley, it has 20 of health, they dont drop anything for now nad they are neutral

Warped bug:

They spawn in warped forest, it has 36 of health, they dont drop anything for now and they are hostile and poisonous

Wither hornet:

They spawn in nether wastes, it has 38 of health, they drop wither hornet Sting for a sword and they are hostile and they give you wither effect

Crimson cricket:

They spawn in crimson forest, its has 30 of health, they drop cricket leg and they are hostile


tarantula raw:

Droped by lush tarantula, his nutritional value is 2 and saturation 0.2

tarantula raw cooked:

cooked with tarantula raw, his nutritional value is 6 and saturation 0.6

scorpion skin:

dropped by deepslate scorpion, used to craft deepnite armor

Cricket leg:

 Droped by crimson cricket, his nutritional value is 3 and saturation 0.3

Cricket leg cooked:

cooked with cricket leg, his nutritional value is 7 and saturation 0.5

Hornet sting

droped by wither hornet, his only function is to craft the hornet knight

Tools and armor


A new armor crafted with netherite armor and scorpion skin,maximal damage that absorbs is 325, his damage value is: 

helmet: 10

chestplate: 14

leggings: 13

boots: 10

his toughness is: 5

his kockback resistance is 0.2

Hornet knight:

A new sword crafted with netherite sword and hornet sting, his efficiency is 8.5, enchatability is 22, his attack speed is 1.5,his damage is 12.5 and his durability is 250, when you hit a mob with this sword it gives wither