[1.20.1] Incompatible With Quark
RConTRS opened this issue ยท 4 comments
when using quark, the mimic will have black&purple texture
forge 1.20.1 - 47.2.20
the only thing that refrenced artifacts/mimic in the log is
[Render thread/WARN] [dev.architectury.registry.registries.forge.RegistrarManagerImpl/]: Registry entry listened Registry Entry [minecraft:entity_type / artifacts:mimic] was not realized!
ok closing the issue since it will remain on quark's end, might be fixed by itself when quark becomes more stable or something i don't really know.
You can keep this open, it's definitely an issue with Artifacts. I haven't taken a look at it yet but it should be a simple fix.
This can be fixed by setting "useModdedMimicTextures" to "false" in artifacts/client.json5, but that means you only get Mimics with the vanilla chest skin, no modded skins.