Assorted Discoveries

Assorted Discoveries

Black Line

Black Line

A dividing line.
Birch Forest Cabin

Birch Forest Cabin

A birch cabin structure in a birch forest.
Witch's Cradle Patch

Witch's Cradle Patch

A witch's cradle patch in a swamp.
Assorted Discoveries banner.

Assorted Discoveries banner.

A banner for assorted discoveries main page.


Bauxite under a mesa.
Dark Forest Cabin

Dark Forest Cabin

A dark forest cabin in a dark forest.
Blueberry Bush Patch

Blueberry Bush Patch

A patch of blueberries in a forest biome.
Smoky Quartz Ore Vein

Smoky Quartz Ore Vein

A smoky quartz ore vein in the nether.
End Plants

End Plants

A patch of ender grass and snapdragons in the end.
Warped Nether Cabin

Warped Nether Cabin

A warped nether cabin in a warped forest.
Blood Kelp

Blood Kelp

Some blood in a cold ocean. (K)


Cattails in a swamp.
Crimson Nether Cabin

Crimson Nether Cabin

A crimson cabin in a crimson forest. (K)
Weeping Heart

Weeping Heart

A weeping heart in a sparse jungle. (K)
Forest Cabin

Forest Cabin

A forest cabin in a forest.
Taiga Cabin

Taiga Cabin

A taiga cabin in an icy taiga.