Astrocraft: Realistic Night Skies

Astrocraft: Realistic Night Skies

Perseid Meteor Shower

Perseid Meteor Shower

Two shooting stars radiating from a single point
View from a Mountain

View from a Mountain

The Milky Way is brighter from high up.
Five planets and the Moon at Dawn

Five planets and the Moon at Dawn

The five main planets, from left to right: Mercury (white), Venus (white), Mars (red), Jupiter (yellow), Saturn (green).
Cresent Moon

Cresent Moon

The crescent moon next to the sun, still up during the day.
Jupiter through spyglass

Jupiter through spyglass

The spyglass reveals Jupiter's moons.
Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

The moon turns red during a rare lunar eclipse.
Jupiter through a Spyglass (Old)

Jupiter through a Spyglass (Old)

Four moons can be visible beside Jupiter when using a spyglass.
Annular Solar Eclipse

Annular Solar Eclipse

An annular eclipse occurs when the moon is perfectly aligned with the sun, but the moon is too far away to fully eclipse the sun. This forms a ring showing the edges of the sun. Total and partial solar eclipses can also happen.
Jupiter through a spyglass (Zoomify)

Jupiter through a spyglass (Zoomify)

A close up of Jupiter through a very zoomed in spyglass. With enough zoom, planets can be rendered with textures.