With Attack Range Indicator, you have the ability to customize the attack indicator exactly to your liking! There are tons of customization options to choose from to make it exactly your own! This mod is intended for individual use, but can also be used to give a different look-and-feel to attacking/PVP in a modpack.
The purpose of this mod is two-fold. First, it makes the attack indicator visible whenever you are close enough to hit a mob, regardless of if you are holding a tool or not. Second, it allows for the use of a less obtrusive attack indicator. This mod was originally designed for a friend of mine to make it easier to learn how to fight monsters better, but I have since expanded it with a ton of more features.
To get started, open your game and enter the Mod Options for the mod. Each of the settings are described below.
Attack Range Indicator is a client-side only mod and will have no effect if installed on servers.
MODPACKS: feel free to use this in modpacks!
Available Configuration Options
Enabled: completely enables/disables the mod
Blending: whether the indicator should be a solid color (false) or whether it should "blend" with the colors behind it on screen (true), like the vanilla crosshair does.
Remove Vanilla Indicator: self-explanatory, disables the vanilla attack indicator
X Offset: horizontal offset (from the center of the screen)
Y Offset: vertical offset (from the center of the screen)
X Scale: horizontal scale modifier (multiplied to default scale)
Y Scale: vertical scale modifier (multiplied to default scale)
Number of Points: number of points on the polygon
Thickness: thickness of the edges of the polygon
Rotation: rotation, in degrees, of the polygon
Opacity: multiplier to the alpha of the indicator color (note: may have unintended effects with blending set to true)
Indicator Color: self-explanatory, what color you want the indicator to be (note: with blending set to true, I recommend keeping this as pure white)
Cooldown Scaling: if set to true, the indicator will grow larger as your attack cooldown decreases. In other words, the indicator will grow until it is at its full size, indicating a full-strength hit
Cooldown Color Fade: if set to true, the indicator will change colors as your attack cooldown decreases. In other words, the indicator will change from fade color to indicator color until you are ready to do a full-strength hit
Fade Color: the color to start the cooldown fade at (see cooldown color fade)
Report Bugs
Please report bugs at https://github.com/ZekNikZ/AttackRangeIndicatorMod/issues. Make sure to specify what settings you are using.