Attributized Skills is a spiritual successor of RPGskillable by dragoni_7. What initially started as a fork led to a complete overhaul of the entire codebase, leaving essentially less than 10% of the initial assets and code. To cover all bases though, this project was made with permission from dragoni_7.
What's New?
Attributized Skills set out with the initial goal of converting *Command /Skills* into attributes. But the entire implementation was dated, so instead, the entire system was reworked from the ground up. Skills, like Dexterity, Endurance, Strength, etc - are now attributes and can be modified by attribute additions through other mods, like Passive Skill Trees. This means that modpack developers can properly implement skills without relying on Server Side permissions to add them.
On top of this, the entire config has been overhauled from the ground up. You can now modify what skills give what bonuses; it's not set in stone, but fully configurable. You can determine if Vitality gives minecraft:generic.max_health at a multiplier of 10% the *base* value of your HP per level, for example. You can also specify modded attributes; like Maximum Mana in Iron's Spells. You can also set it to be a base multiplier (multiplies the base attribute by x amount, and adds it to the total number), addition (simply adds points to an attribute), or multiply total (grabs the final value and multiplies that). This means that Attributized Skills is fully compatible with all mods that add attributes, as long as those attributes have an effect.
Additionally, the entire GUI has been overhauled from the ground up, and modernized with an animated background. Since bonuses scale incrementally and no longer use potion effects to apply them, your bonuses granted from skills are tracked on a new left-side panel when in the menu.
To further add on to the depth of the mod, you can now apply skill requirements to items in-game through commands, that apply to all players when updated. So if you forget to say, add a Strength requirement to a sword, you can define one on the fly, without stopping the server and modifying the config, then sending everyone the updated config to reflect these changes. The same process applies to bonuses applied from skills; if you think Intelligence should grant Spell Resist, you can modify that via command, and it will take effect within a few seconds. Use the command "/attributized addrequirement" @name to get started.
And most excitingly, Attributized Skills now features full compatibility with Iron's Spells! Use the unique "/attributized add_spell_requirement" command to set attribute requirements for any spell, opening up a whole new level of customization for your magic-focused modpacks.
Lastly, modpack developers can dummy the menu - preventing players from purchasing skills in the menu entirely. This means that you can force players to earn skills through another mod, like Passive Skill Trees.
Since the new Attribute system is based around... well, attributes, attributes can be applied via NBT tags to items. This means you could create something like a "Helm of Might" that grants +5 Strength when worn. And since Strength can have defined attributes tied to it, you can simply use this system to add raw bonuses, with none of the requirements; IE have items have no requirements to equip, and grant stats which can have several bonuses rolled into one.
Can I use this in my modpack?
Yes, you may use this in your modpack, provided it remains within the CurseForge ecosystem.