Auto HUD

Auto HUD


Suggestion - Enhanced HUD Customization and Dynamic Stacking Feature Proposal

threasterkeaster123 opened this issue · 2 comments


First off, I want to say thank you for developing the Auto HUD mod – it's been incredibly useful for customizing the HUD experience in Minecraft.

I have a suggestion for enhancing the mod's functionality even further. Currently, users can specify conditions for when HUD elements are displayed, which is fantastic. However, it would be great if we could set multiple conditions for displaying a single HUD element. For example, I'd like the health bar to appear both when it changes and when it gets low. This additional flexibility would allow for even more personalized HUD configurations tailored to individual preferences.

Additionally, I'd like to propose an optional feature that dynamically stacks HUD elements based on what's currently being shown. For instance, if the hotbar isn't visible, the experience bar could be positioned at the bottom of the screen. Then, as the player scrolls through the hotbar, causing it to appear, the experience bar could dynamically adjust its position accordingly. I understand that implementing this feature might be complex and could potentially lead to code complications, so I want to emphasize that it's entirely optional.

Chatgpt because I didn’t really know how to word it


was about to suggest the same thing, it itches me a bit on how the xp bar and everything else just floats there and doesn't go down. (i thought it does that already since its shown on the modrinth mod icon.

Would love to have this on 1.20.1 fabric too!


I was going to ask for this aswell. I would want the hearts and hunger to always be visible but be towards the bottom of the screen instead of awkwardly floating and then raise up as the hot bar appears.