Auto HUD

Auto HUD


[compatibility] Issue with Exordium

Aces-and-Jacks opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Causes some items on EMI to be invisible


For reference, this was originally opened and discussed at more length at emilyploszaj/emi/issues/92


I have tried to replicate this bug without any success. Are you in fade mode? Does it also happen in move mode?

Your mod list is quite big. A new instance with AutoHUD, EMI, and Sodium works just fine.


Well never mind. Turns out it was Exordium and not autoHUD


So actually it's autoHUD mixed with exordium that causes issues with emi. Not sure if I should reopen or keep closed


Even ignoring this bug, running AutoHUD together with Exordium causes AutoHUD's animations to be super laggy (obviously, due to the lower frame rate). It makes little sense to run a mod to render the GUI at a lower framerate together with a mod that makes the GUI more dynamic. So I will have to close this as a "wontfix" and add Exordium to the list of incompatible mods on the mod page.


Well it's more of just having half the GUI showing (like with health, armor, ect) whether than the animation but I guess if the animation is slow most wouldn't see a point to it


ok then. Thanks for providing a somewhat compatibility fix


I figured out the problem and identified a somewhat hacky fix: never load the special render mixins when not in "fade" mode, as I require a game restart for proper mixin application anyway. I will push that with the next release of AutoHUD.