Auto HUD

Auto HUD


AppleSkin and Elenai Dodge

QwertRvg opened this issue · 4 comments


Firstly I wanted to say that AppleSkin is not being hidden for me.
I am using AutoHud v4.3 and AppleSkin v2.4.1 and Forge v40.2.7

And I wanted to ask if compatibility with Elenai Dodge 2 was possible?
I really like your mod, and want to use it in my modpack. But when everything is hidden, the Bar from Elenai Dodge 2 is still being shown. It looks weird that way, I'd rather not use Auto Hud than have just some parts hidden.

Feathers from Elenai Dodge 2 and the AppleSkin bar thingy


Turns out adding mod compatibility on Forge is a bit more complicated than I thought. This might take a while as I don't have that much time for Minecraft modding at the moment, apologies.


I also use Elenai Dodge 2. I changed the config in Feathers-client and adjusted the position of the feathers to the bottom right corner so it doens't stand out much. It's not a straight fix but helps.


Thanks for also raising it on GitHub. I am very confused by the AppleSkin problem.

I tested it with Forge 40.2.4 and it worked perfectly fine. So I released the 1.18.2 Forge version. And now it doesn't work anymore. I am as of now unsure what is broken.


Turns out adding mod compatibility on Forge is a bit more complicated than I thought. This might take a while as I don't have that much time for Minecraft modding at the moment, apologies.

No need to apologize! You are doing this for free because you feel like it. This shouldn't be your first priority.
Thank you very much for taking my post into consideration and planning on fixing it.