Automatic Miner

Automatic Miner


NOTE : You will need Miner's Lib 1.0.0 or higher to play!!!

Automatic Miner mod adds blocks that generates ingots in a specific time period

Automatic Miner mod adds 4 blocks and 1 item in mod version 1.1.2 these are

Auto Mining Tool (Used to craft Auto Miners)
Auto Iron Miner (Generates Iron Ingot in a specific time)

Auto Gold Miner (Generates Gold Ingot in a specific time)
Auto Diamond Miner (Generates Diamond in a specific time)
Auto Emerald Miner (
Generates Emerald in a specific time)

These are the recipes of Automatic Miner mod version 1.1.2

Auto Diamond Miner

Auto Gold Miner

Auto Iron Miner

Auto Emerald Miner

Auto Mining Tool