Have you ever wanted the Avaritia Time Bug to be fixed?
What about when the Cosmic Render Turns red, Do you want that not to happen?
Well you have come to the right place, Here you will find a more polished version Of Avaritia with many bug fixes related to the Cosmic Render.
I have Fixed the Time Bug relating to the Cosmic render so the Render Time will never exceed 24000 ticks thus, will never turn red. the render will also loop back and forth causing a seamless render and won't skip if you change the world time.
I have also added the other Cosmic Icons to the Cosmic Render, Simillarly to how GTNH Added it to there version of Avaritia.
If you want to use this in any modpack im more than happy for you to, no need to ask.
Im not the Owner of Avaritia, All credit should go to the original Authors of Avaritia and the creators of Avaritia 1.1x, Linked Below.
Avaritia 1.1x, covers1624, brandon3055, Morpheus11011, TTFTCUTS.
Avaritia, Spiteful_Fox, TTFTCUTS, WanionCane.
The Idea for how to fix the render came from GTNH's Avaritia Fork, Avalible here
This is the permission I was granted by Morpheus11011 to create this project On curseforge and fork his github repository.
Any Bugs reported will need to come to my github and not Avaritia 1.1x's, Since they are not maintaing Avaritia 1.1x anymore. Avalible here -> https://github.com/jude123412/Avaritia/issues