This mod contains 4 unique new weapons, 2 new blocks, one new biome, one new structure, one new music disc, and one new boss.
I've been working on this mod for three weeks now and thought that it would be cool if I uploaded it onto Mcreator (Curseforge coming soon).
The Weapons:
Eternal Rest: A fiery sword that ignites enemies on left click. On right click shoot yourself through the air to escape or enter combat.
Hatred's Bite: A knife that slows the target on left click and summons evoker fangs on right click... with no cooldown.
Decimation: A powerful weapon that summons lightning where the projectile hits.
????: Unleash the anger inside of you and wield the power of speed and strength.
The Blocks
Decimater Block: A rather ugly looking block that is used to summon the Death Beacon. When standing on this block you move extremely fast.
?????? ?? ?????: Once this block is placed and it has consumed a netherite block, every player in the world gains the effects Speed, Haste, Jump Boost, Resistance, Water Breathing, and Hero of the Village for an infinite amount of time.
The Biomes
Forest Ruins: A decayed wasteland of a biome. The leaves are gone, the grass is gone, the animals are gone. Only skeletal structures remain.
The Structures
Boss Structure: The structure where you will face a great evil... and get great rewards.
Music Disc
Beacon of Death: A song composed by Henry Klotz. Combine this with a beacon and something else to get a very, very powerful block.
The Boss
The Death Beacon: Found in the Boss Structure, this piglin was an outcast of his own kind. He left the nether and sealed himself inside of two ancient blocks of quartz... just waiting to be awakened.