Apocalypse Weapons

Apocalypse Weapons


Developed by Brskatm123


Ores Findability:

Dark essence ore spawn near bedrock (under diamons)
Fire essence ore spawn in Nether
Water essence ore spawn in ocean biomes
Light essence ore spawn in desert biomes
Earth essence ore spawn in forest biomes

Plants Findability:

Dark plants spawns in mountain biomes
Fire plants spawns on soulsands in nether
Water plants spawns near beach biomes
Light plants spawns in desert biomes
Earth plants spawns in forest biomes

Special Weapons :

Death Hammer consume 1 Dark dust
Inferno Axe consume 1 Fire dust
Tsunami Sword consume 1 Water dust
Thunder Spear consume 1 Light dust
Earthquake Scythe consume 1 Earth dust
Powers with right click on block or in air, (consume dust only in 1.12/1.14./1.15 versions)
Armors, blocks, tools (sword, pickaxe, shovel, axe and hoe) and sticks recipes are like Minecraft Vanilla recipes.
Last update feature:

New textures, changed special weapon's superpowers, fixed a lot of bug, new animated blocks and plants, now Special Weapons don't consume dust but cooldown time increased, removed rainbow ingot and all the stuff you could make with it. Fixed tool damage and added new effects to the basic swords.

Sincely reccomended play this mod with Just enough Items ore Not enough Items installed to see single recipes