- 0
Durability goes to negative numbers
#7 opened by anaxios - 2
1.20.2-1.20.4 update?
#8 opened by backanda - 3
Crash with just core mods (DARF/Azurelib (Unsure))
#5 opened by Overkill77 - 4
Flying can't be turned off when equiped with the angelring
#6 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 3
Rings above 898 durability do not allow flight on
#9 opened by Gray2743 - 1
Config Problems
#10 opened by Mindless-hue - 0
Launch error when loading on 1.16.4
#1 opened by bdashore3 - 1
1.17 Recipe does not function
#2 opened by TyreanDK - 1
Failed to start in 1.17.1
#3 opened by Lulu300