- 2
Backpack Shelf
#190 opened by MinecartCopper - 0
Carry on compatiablility
#189 opened by GauntAndreX8 - 1
No config for pickpocket in the latest versions of the mod?
#176 opened by Kryllex - 7
Open Backpack keybind isn't configurable
#178 opened by mosharky - 1
[1.19.2-2.2.7 Fabric] Game crashes whenever left-click anywhere in velocity backend server.
#179 opened by polaris-stella - 2
Fabric 1.20.1 Backpacked/Frameworks error causing game crash
#180 opened by CasualJeremy - 1
right clicking to equip backpack while its in hotbar causes backpack slot to move slots entirely to the slot where the backpack was at [Forge 1.20.1]
#181 opened by virtualpixelationgithubber - 1
Incompatibility with ElytraSlot (1.19.4)
#182 opened by cyphenx - 1
[Suggestion] Checkbox to hide backpack
#183 opened by MarioSMB - 0
TreeChop compatibility?
#184 opened by hammertater - 2
[Forge/1.20.1]Key 'open backpack' not listed in controls menu
#186 opened by Sto3IV - 1
Add mods to Cogwheel backpack unlock
#187 opened by UmbralSurvivor - 0
Suggestion: Config for sneak-only pickpocket
#188 opened by IdrisQe - 0
Distrubution on Modrinth?
#191 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 1
problems with version 1.16.5 of minecraft y el curios api
#172 opened by Tolkien12 - 1
Game crash upon loading arrow in crossbow or firing arrow from normal bow.
#173 opened by DakotaJM-git - 1
Possible GUI Enhancement
#174 opened by chonkyman - 1
Show Correct Subtitle when the Backpack is Equipped
#192 opened by cmplstofB - 3
changing config for larger backpack makes you unable to open backpacks
#194 opened by Airprince440788 - 0
potential crash linked to config?
#196 opened by kerrschtein - 3
[1.20.1] [Fabric] [Mod Ver. 2.2.7] Visual Bug With Valkyrien Skies Installed
#195 opened by amontroy2002 - 2
backpack simply doesn't load/ not visible. Yet is still functional. Using all the mods from Pokehaan Craft 2 with some added QOL Mods.
#197 opened by SerIousFaceOP - 1
Wandering Trader Backpack
#199 opened by Purrple101 - 2
Shelf deleting other back slot items
#203 opened by MrYORS - 2
Pickpocketing configuration?
#200 opened by camilochys - 0
Combine Quark Oddities and Backpacked
#201 opened by QwertRvg - 1
[Fabric 1.20.6] Crash on launch
#204 opened by Poopooracoocoo - 1
Mixin error crash caused by captureDrops function upon loading on Neoforge version 20.6.115
#206 opened by seymourimadeit - 3
Backpack is invisible (1.20.1 forge)
#208 opened by vinnyg0621 - 2
Crafting Recipe not working
#209 opened by Pumkindeer346 - 0
FabricASM issue when loading Fabric
#207 opened by Oth3r - 0
(1.20.4 Fabric) Invisible Backpack on Shelf
#210 opened by whrvey - 0
Enchanting "Marksman" does not
#211 opened by RealeAA - 0
Enchanting "Marksman" does not work on version "fabric-1.20.4-3.0.0-beta.4"
#212 opened by RealeAA - 1
Client Crash on Backpack Equip
#214 opened by Refu91 - 0
[Bug] Open backpack button doesnt work with Controllable on fabric
#215 opened by Oth3r - 1
[Feature] Change backpack's item texture to represent selected skin
#216 opened by maevius669 - 1
Server config not being read
#217 opened by Franunatt - 0
[Feature] Removing Shulkerboxes from the ban list
#219 opened by Bebrich - 0
[Version] Migration to Minecraft 1.21
#220 opened by absoftware - 2
Server Issue
#223 opened by Gregpack-bot - 1
[1.21.1] Latest Mod version added prevent game from loading
#221 opened by Periam - 1
[1.21.1] Mod does not load on Server Side NeoForge
#222 opened by SHXRKIEgg - 1
[Bug] Backpack-specific enchants can enchant any item
#224 opened by dzervas - 1
1.21 Compatibility?
#226 opened by Ryuku46 - 1
Models break with ModernFix's Dynamic Resources
#225 opened by valiray - 0
[1.20.1][Forge] Backpacked 3.0.0-beta.9 - Backpack not rendering
#228 opened by Aulberon - 0
[1.21.1] [Fabric] Unable to open configuration button in backpack UI
#230 opened by MotaRin - 2
[Bug Report] Backpack breaks when slots change
#231 opened by Cicopath - 0
[Suggetstion] Mod Compatibility with Epic Fight
#232 opened by slave2midna