Bamboo Wood Blocks

Bamboo Wood Blocks


Bamboo Wood Blocks from the 1.20 Update

Current version: Forge 1.18.2

A small mod that adds all the 1.20 set of Bamboo wood blocks and crafts including:

  • Bamboo Planks
  • Bamboo Door
  • Bamboo Trapdoor
  • Bamboo Stairs
  • Bamboo Slab
  • Bamboo Fence
  • Bamboo Fence Gate
  • Bamboo Button
  • Bamboo Pressure Plate

- Bamboo Planks can be crafted with 2x2 Bamboo items

- The new “Mosaic” plank variant that is unique to Bamboo called Bamboo Mosaic can be crafted with 1x2 Bamboo Slabs in a vertical strip. You can also craft Stair and Slab variants of Bamboo Mosaic

ECKOSOLDIER testing the mod

Images of the Bamboo Wood Set

This is also my first mod in CurseForge <3