


If you want to see more about me:

***DISCLAMER: Be sure to always download the latest file because I make stupid mistakes***

This mod adds banana related gear in tiers.

Tier 0: Food items, few blocks.

Tier 1: Reinforced Tier: Full set of Banana Tools, Banana Armor, Blocks, and Items. Reached with Reinforced Bananas

Tier 2: Awakened Tier: (Not Fully Implemented) Full set of Awakened Banana Tools, Awakened Armor, More Blocks, and Items. Reached with Banana Life core.

Tier 3: Corrupt Tier: (Still in major development) Corrupt Items (Reached with Banana Boss) Coming soon: Tools, Armor, and More!

Tier Versions:

Dev8 implements all planned features of Tier 1 (Dev 10 has some fixes (Dev12 might have more...)).

Tier 2 is almost fully implemented.

Tier 3 is in development.

If you have any ideas for find any bugs, please post them here.

Other Things You Can Do: 

Help with the code (BTW I have messy code)

Visit me on YouTube

Translate (View Github For Details)



If you're on Curse: All downloads are on Curseforge -> here.

View the Changelog here.

Support me on Patreon Here!

Special thanks

- Pahimar for his Modding tutorials

- SpringTreep for Maintaining the Wiki and helping me test

- the one legend & IAmAnAvacado for making textures