BanjoMod adds a multitude of new items, ores, armors, weapons, structures, blocks, redstone, mobs, and more! There are too many items for me to list here, so I will only list some of the more important items and weapons.
Explosive Chestplate:
When standing close enough to a block powered by redstone, or a redstone block, you will explode
It's a flamethrower
When stepped on it explodes
Rocket Launcher:
It fires explosives, has a chance to blow up inside of the barrel
It's shiny and you can make armor from it
Helmet - Provides Nightvision
Chestplate - Provides Glowing effect
Leggings - Provide Speed
Boots - Provide Slow Falling
TF2 Stuff:
Pyro - He has a Flamethrower and airblast
Dispenser - Gives Regeneration when you are near it
Snowier - Powdered snow instead of Snow blocks
Burned - No leaves and Burned trees
Technology - Has Technological trees
Tropical - Has Banana trees to get Bananas
(Small Amount of) Items:
Banana - Can be used in a crafting table with any other disc to make Banana Man by Tally Hall
Heart - Restores a heart of health
Baseball Bat - High Knockback and low damage
TNT Bat - Explodes when hitting something
Slime Ground - Hard to move when standing on it
Gems - Has gems only used to craft other things (Rubies, Jubalium, Gabilium, Docinerite)
Bluestone - Removes Redstone power
Sus Totem - Among us totem with 10 Stages, at stage 10, you can use it to restore a heart of health every 30 seconds while not in combat (Or you can insta-kill anybody every minecraft day)
Ice Cream - Infinite food forever, extremely rare
End Portal Frame - 3 Obsidian, nether star, 2 eyes of ender, 2 diamonds, end stone
Mob Spawner - 4 Iron Bars, 4 Blaze dust or whatever it is called, and any spawn egg
Zombie Spawn Egg - 4 Rotten Flesh, 4 Gold, 1 Bone
Skeleton Spawn Egg - 2 Bones, 2 Gold Blocks, 4 Amethyst Blocks, 1 Skeleton Head
Cow Spawn Egg - 2 Leather, 2 Wheat, 4 Amethyst Blocks, 1 Cooked Beef
Blaze Spawn Egg - 2 Blaze dust, 4 eyes of ender, 2 Fire Charges, 1 Blaze rod
Ender Pearl - 1 Snowball, 4 Jacsium (Jacsium is a little bit rarer than iron)
Totem of Undying - 1 Emerald, 1 Gold Block, 3 Gold, 2 Amethyst blocks
You probably don't want to read more, so this is only less than half of things in this mod lol, just download it please, there are still more updates coming
Also there is a discord, join it: