![Bansoukou [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/329/717/256/256/637455786531686894.png)
[Feature Request] JAR renaming
Krutoy242 opened this issue · 2 comments
Rare mods require strict .jar file name, like ThaumTweaks:
This makes unable to use Bansoukou with ThaumTweaks together.
I was planned to use Bansoukou to manually fix issue with Web and researches.
Please add feature to rename .jar file to custom name or skip renaming at all.
Bansoukou already renaming file to {FILENAME}-patched.jar
. If i can skip renaming, and file would be modified in place, it would fix my issue with ThaumTweaks.
Also, it would be nice if I can chose file name, for example putting file __filename.txt
in bansoukou/
folder, that would not be added to .jar
but it contents would be used for renaming.
For example, if i want to place DankNull mod on buttom of mods/
folder i could make file ./DankNull-1.12.2-1.7.101/__filename.txt
with content:
I replied over at the issue thread you opened at ThaumTweaks' repository.
I will not be fixing this because it is physically impossible, the reason why I rename duplicate the jar and append a -patched
after the filename is to circumvent CurseForge's client from deleting the patched jar when the game launches.
I will however think about making the patched jar's name configurable.