Base Metal Golems Addon

Base Metal Golems Addon


Available for Minecraft 1.8.9 through 1.12.2!

This mod is an add-on to Extra Golems. Using metal blocks from Base Metals, Modern Metals, and Base Minerals, you can now build golems to help you fend off monsters! All golems look unique and have configurable health and attack capabilities.

Base Metal Golems adds the following to the Minecraft Universe:

Base Metals:

  • Adamantine Golem: 240 health, 21 attack, extra damage to tough mobs, resistance
  • Aquarium Golem: 120 health, 8 attack, extra damage to water mobs
  • Brass Golem: 65 health, 5.5 attack
  • Bronze Golem: 90 health, 6 attack
  • Cold Iron Golem: 112 health, 9.5 attack, extra damage to fireproof mobs
  • Copper Golem: 60 health, 5 attack
  • Electrum Golem: 90 health, 7.5 attack, speedy
  • Invar Golem: 140 health, 9 attack
  • Lead Golem: 75 health, 8.5 attack, knockback resistance
  • Mithril Golem: 180 health, 10 attack, extra damage to undead
  • Nickel Golem: 60 health, 5 attack
  • Silver Golem: 70 health, 5.5 attack, immune to magic damage
  • Star-Steel Golem: 155 health, 10 attack, self-heals, lightweight, glows dimly
  • Steel Golem: 175 health, 10 attack
  • Tin Golem: 48 health, 4.5 attack
  • Zinc Golem: 48 health, 4.5 attack

Modern Metals

  • Aluminum Golem: 40 health, 2.6 attack
  • Aluminum Brass Golem: 49 health, 3.3 attack
  • Beryllium Golem: 44 health, 5.5 attack
  • Boron Golem: 126 health, 8 attack
  • Cadmium Golem: 26 health, 4.5 attack
  • Chromium Golem: 96 health, 6.3 attack
  • Galvanized Steel Golem: 116 health, 10.4 attack
  • Iridium Golem: 38 health, 4.6 attack
  • Magnesium Golem: 38 health, 4.6 attack, lights fires randomly
  • Manganese Golem: 33 health, 5.3 attack
  • Nichrome Golem: 120 health, 8.5 attack
  • Osmium Golem: 132 health, 4.8 attack, knockback resistance
  • Plutonium Golem: 100 health, 5 attack, poisons nearby creatures
  • Rutile Golem: 16 health, 14 attack
  • Stainless Steel Golem: 165 health, 12.5 attack
  • Tantalum Golem: 160 health, 9.6 attack
  • Thorium Golem: 44 health, 4.5 attack, poisons on attack
  • Titanium Golem: 168 health, 10.6 attack
  • Tungsten Golem: 106 attack, 6.9 attack, fire resistant
  • Uranium Golem: 110 health, 5.5 attack, poisons nearby creatures
  • Zirconium Golem: 44 health, 5.3 attack

Base Minerals:

  • Lithium Golem: 65 health, 5.5 attack, deals (and takes) more damage when wet
  • Niter Golem: 41 health, 3 attack
  • Phosphorus Golem: 50 health, 3 attack, combusts spontaneously
  • Potash Golem: 33 health, 1.9 attack, fertilizes nearby crops
  • Salt Golem: 35 health, 2.2 attack, dissolves in water
  • Saltpeter Golem: 36 health, 2.2 attack
  • Silicon Golem: 60 health, 5.5 attack
  • Sulfur Golem: 49 health, 3.6 attack

 Using the highly flexible config file, you can customize each golem's health, attack damage, spawn permissions, and any special abilities!

Sample config entry:

star-steel_golem {
 # Whether the Star-Steel Golem can be built [default: true]
 B:"Allow Golem"=true

 # Whether this golem can ocasionally heal itself [default: true]
 B:"Allow Special: Random Healing"=true

 # Base attack damage dealt by this golem [range: 0.0 ~ 300.0, default: 10.0]
 S:"Golem Attack"=10.0

 # Max health for this golem [range: 0.0 ~ 999.0, default: 155.0]
 S:"Golem Health"=155.0


Extra Golems -- the version indicates the Extra Golems version to use (eg, Base Metal Golems 7.1.1-x requires Extra Golems 7.1.1)

MMDLib -- currently using version 1.0.0-rc2.36

Optional (but highly recommended) :

Base Metals -- currently using version 2.5.0-rc2.332

Modern Metals -- currently using version 2.5.0-rc2.152

Base Minerals -- currently using version 2.5.0-rc2.69