Massive update coming soon! (maybe...)
Recommended with multiplayer!
5 New Items
5 New Blocks
5 New Advancements
2 New Paintings
2 New Structures
1 New Record
Based Button
- Right click to play Based sound effect
- Left click mobs/players to make them Based
Cringe Button
- Right click to play Cringe sound effect
- Left click mobs/players to make them Cringe
- Right click to cleanse the effects of being Based or Cringe and become C L E A N
- Used for crafting Soap
- Don't get it in the eyes!
Strange Scale
- Tilts depending on if you are Based or Cringe
- If you are Clean, it doesn't tilt
The Last Words of Great Prophet, "Fringe" Record
- Found in Based/ Cringe Temples
Based Observer
- Sends a redstone signal when it detects anything Based
Cringe Observer
- Sends a redstone signal when it detects anything Cringe
Clean Observer
- Sends a redstone signal when it detects anything Clean.
- Makes you Based
- Requires Silk Touch to acquire
- Makes you Cringe
- Requires Silk Touch to acquire
4x4 Painting
- Find out what it is
8x4 Painting
- Find out what it is.
Have fun being Based Or Cringe!