Battle Axe Mod

Battle Axe Mod


Swords are cool don’t get me wrong, however. For anyone who’s ever tried to chop down a tree or cut an angry goblin in half with a sword knows it is not that easy OR stylish. The solution? Is there even one? Yep, this MOD. This mod adds an impressive array of rather deadly weapons. Battleaxes are definitely more hard hitting than swords. Heck, they may be durable and a bit more expensive, though the fact that a few of the base tier axes are more powerful than a full diamond sword should do the talking! Not only do you get axes made from not only iron gold and diamond but also the rare and elusive EMERALD. Using the knowledge that you have gained here you wield these mighty tools in battle and see how they fell the most powerful foes in only a few hits. We’re talking a little less than 20 hits to kill the ender dragon. Yeah, two shotting mobs left and right and killing spiders so fast you hardly notice that they were ever there! Are you seriously still using those lame as heck SWORDS? Yeah bud, get with the times and make the upgrade to BATTLEAXES.

This mod is made with MCreator mod maker. If you want to make a mod too, check their website

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