Beacon Totems

Beacon Totems




Beacon Totems!


- Agonite

Agonite is a new rare ore that is used in the creation of there totems. it can be found in the form if ore that will drop 1-3 Raw Agonite. once it's smelted you will receive Agonite Ingots which are used to craft the Totems with..


- Nether Star Shards

Once you kill the Wither and are rewarded with a Nether star you can place it into a crafting table to receive 4 Nether Star Shards. this are the key ingredient in the Beacon Totem's crafting.


  • What do the Beacon Totem's do?

- Strength Totem

This totem gives you a permanent effect of strength as long as it's in a bauble inventory spot.

- Health Totem

This totem gives you a permanent effect of regeneration as long as it's in a bauble inventory spot.

- Jump Totem

This totem gives you a permanent effect of Jump Boost as long as it's in a bauble inventory spot.

- Totem Relic

This totem is special and can only be found in trades, not crafting. long ago this totem was made by someone with deep knowledge of the craft, as long as a sword is in your main hand you get speed, Absorption, and resistance.