The first step is to break up a Nether Star into 4 Nether Star Chunks in a crafting grid.
These can be used to charge diamond gear, temporarily making them almost as good as bedrock tools.
Durability, Enchantments, and Names will all be kept
To get your first piece of bedrock, you must find a busted bedrock in the naturally spawning bedrock, and mine it with your charged diamond pickaxe.
To repair it, simply combine it with a nether star chunk, and it will become regular old bedrock!
Now, you can craft all of the powerful bedrock tools and armor, using the bedrock how you would use an ingot.
Additionally you can craft the BEDROCK APPLE!
Grants invincibility for 2 minutes
Special Abilities
Bedrock Pickaxe - Shift + Right-Click: Bust Bedrock
- turns bedrock into busted bedrock at the cost of 10 000 durability
Bedrock Sword - Shift + Right-Click: Launch Wither Skull
- fires a wither skull projectile at the cost of 100 durability