- 1
Doesn't work in 1.18+
#134 opened by JubeanHamukea - 1
[Sugestion] Add leads on boats
#135 opened by HecDurFer - 2
Reactivate Elytra after cancelling it midfly requieres double tap on spacebar
#140 opened by igoticecream - 4
Crashes with OptiFabric
#136 opened by Hebgbs - 1
Incompatible with Bedrock Waters mod.
#137 opened by MilesBenjamin - 4
[Bug] Incorrect text size
#138 opened by RyanCR03 - 0
Y coordinate tip outdated
#139 opened by RyanCR03 - 2
How to Disable Grass Color Noise
#142 opened by StartsMercury - 2
#143 opened by MiFliK - 1
Game Crashes when Paper Doll has an item
#144 opened by Snivine - 2
Not working on 1.18.2
#145 opened by Ultmate-Mario - 1
Graphic bug 1 17 1 incompatibility with colormatic
#146 opened by MiFliK - 2
Odd shading on paper doll
#147 opened by poly2it - 3
Position and FPS labels overlap
#148 opened by poly2it - 2
crash/incompat with debugify
#149 opened by DioEgizio - 1
Crashes with OptiFabric (1.17.1)
#150 opened by Darutan92 - 0
Bedrockify assumes that every BundleItem uses the default BundleTooltipData
#152 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Saving overlay shares alpha with flashing status effect icon
#151 opened by lunarbunten - 4
Selected hotbar slot texture is broken
#157 opened by Khodyn - 1
[Suggestion] Add a setting to toggle the new elytra flight cancelling
#158 opened by Fayabella - 0
[Suggestion] Bedrock Jukebox Mechanics Parity
#159 opened by Brittank88 - 4
1.19 support
#153 opened by FortiethSwing61 - 1
Crash with ImageOnMap plugin
#154 opened by GribanovIvan - 5
Dark Theme Support for Displayed Box
#156 opened by ardissaps - 1
[Log] Crash when disabling word generation mixin (I don't use the dead/fall tree thing)
#155 opened by ardissaps - 1
[Suggestion] Add the sneak-to-block mechanic for shields
#160 opened by ARandomOSDever - 0
Too many lines of log file
#161 opened by lonefelidae16 - 2
[Suggestion] HUD Opacity from Bedrock Video Settings
#164 opened by lunarbunten - 1
Panorama Background On All Screens breaks Language Reload mod
#163 opened by baobuh - 1
Breakes Xaero's minimap Potion effects push box
#165 opened by SuusHex008000 - 3
#166 opened by Arthurmeade12 - 0
Game Crashes on 1.19.1
#167 opened by adamf30 - 1
[Suggestion] Salmon sizes and Baby Mobs
#168 opened by DaPhysikist - 1
[Suggestion] Add the Bedrock crafting recipe book
#169 opened by wd4q5dy - 1
[Issue] Modrinth not up to date
#170 opened by Fnige - 0
[suggestion] Bedrock feeding particles
#171 opened by DaPhysikist - 2
In-game Iris menu loads with dirt background.
#172 opened by Slooshie1 - 1
package a release for commit 9fb08cd for users stuck on 1.19
#174 opened by Godeps2891 - 6
Crash with newest release "1.4.2b" on Client, server works fine
#175 opened by alad-1024 - 2
[feature request] bedrock cauldrons
#176 opened by OtherMongrel - 1
[Crash] Mixin incompatability
#178 opened by Dakedres - 1
Disable Flying Momentum on Controller
#179 opened by Fate-EX - 1
[Suggestion] Bonemealable sugar cane
#180 opened by CyberSteve777 - 2
Button overlap with essentials
#181 opened by ManInMyVan - 0
Incorrectly placed settings button
#182 opened by ManInMyVan - 0
[bug] Hud conflict - Bedrockify/Status Effect Bars
#183 opened by SylisMC - 1
[suggestion] fortune can be used on flowers and crops
#187 opened by DaPhysikist - 1
[suggestion] bonemeal can generate ferns
#186 opened by DaPhysikist - 5
Version 1.5 is incompatible with Carpet Extra
#188 opened by SplendidAlakey - 1
Incompatible with Xanders Sodium Options.
#184 opened by MrRagtime