No This mod isn't about the Bedrock Version of Minecraft. It's about the block.
[en_us] and [de_de] localization available!
This mod adds a survival friendly (more or less) way to use bedrock.
Short Guide
First off, you want to go to the nether ceiling (The Bedrock Ceiling to be exact, this can be done by standing on Y = 126~ and throwing an enderpearl Into the Bedrock Block above you, then try to glitch out of the Bedrock Block.)
This step is crucial, as on the bedrock ceiling theres a new type of crystal called a bedrock crystal. This crystal is around 9x harder than obsidian, so it might take a while. This will drop 1-2 bedrock shards. (Fortune affects this). 5 of these shards can be made back into a crystal if wanted.
Now with your fresh new bedrock shards you might want to actually use them. You can now mix these shards with obsidian to create hardened obsidian. This block is stronger than obsidian and is wither-proof.
A vanilla way to create bedrock has now been added too. 9 bedrock crystals and you got yourself a nice block of bedrock! (remember that this recipe is only unlocked once you craft hardened obsidian.)
This mod also adds Bedrock Stairs, Slabs, a Bedrock Button and a Bedrock Pressure Plate! Decorate your home with all the hard rocky needs :)