Bee Productive

Bee Productive


Bee Productive requires the Fabric API, and only works with the Fabric mod loader. A Forge port is not yet planned, but the project is under license for anyone to make one.

Bee Productive adds a traits system and alternate beehive products to vanilla bees. Traits and beehive products are both governed by nectars, which are fed to bees. A bee which has been given nectar will take it back to the hive, process it, and have the nectar's effects applied once processing is done.

The nectars in Bee Productive, along with the bee swab and bee feeder

If you don't want to have to feed bees manually, you can construct a Bee Feeder instead, which can be refilled by a hopper and bees will collect nectar from on their own.

Bee Feeders with Ender Nectar inserted.

If you ever want to know a bee's traits and current held nectar, you can use a Bee Swab.

a Bee Swab being used to check the stats of a bee.

Bee Swabs can also hint at what products a filled-up beehive will give you.

a Bee Swab being used on a hive containing Ender Nectar - drops ender pearls if sheared, and dragon's breath if bottled.

Bee Productive is designed to be extensible, so mods can add their own traits, nectars, and honey flavors for whatever purposes they desire. Information for developers will be available on the wiki soon.