Breaking bee feeder causes duping
Tsudico opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Modpack: AOF2 v2.2.0
Mod Version: beeproductive-1.0.2+1.15.1.jar
Steps to reproduce:
- Place bee feeder on dirt (haven't tested if other blocks matter)
- Place multiple nectar in bee feeder (I did three of the Energizing)
- Nectar doesn't appear visible in bee feeder until relog
- Unsure if relog is necessary but break bee feeder to get nectar (I used a pickaxe to break, don't know if that is required)
- Twice the nectar in feeder is returned to you
- Any dropped item is now duplicated (inventory or in world)
Okay, that's weird. It's probably not syncing correctly. I can take a crack at this sometime soon.
Further testing seems to indicate it may not be Bee Productive bee feeders. I've also seen the effect when scooping bees. Since I am using the AOF2 modpack, it's possible it only appears due to a another mod that is actually causing the issue but it seems to be started by doing something with bees.
I am using a magnet from NonCorrelatedExtras and when I remove the magnet from my hotbar or trinkets the duping disappears. The NonCorrelatedExtras magnet doesn't seem to cause duplication if it is set to pull instead of teleport either. Only when I have the magnet in my hotbar or trinkets areas and have the magnet set to teleport can I get duping to activate when dealing with bees. But it only seems to happen with bee items, otherwise I would have noticed duping previously.