- 2
Mechanical saw recipes overwrite shaft recipe
#17 opened by jusipat - 1
Null Pointer
#14 opened by Notlucky101 - 5
Brass and copper steps
#15 opened by MrLixam - 2
Error on World Creation
#16 opened by Yoshi72 - 3
Error on build (Registry.register)
#18 opened by ThomasDubuis - 1
Incompatible with "Create Fabric Sodium Fix"
#19 opened by dasaikuru - 1
Conflicts with Smooth Stone Slab stonecutter recipe
#20 opened by GameBurrow - 2
[bug] mods icon gives error.
#22 opened by c00ldude1oo - 2
i cannot craft the pilots
#1 opened by broz21 - 1
pilot does not have a breaking tool
#2 opened by broz21 - 5
Not A Valid Mod File
#5 opened by orionSquared - 1
Missing sound for 'bellsandwhistles:koppabavisan'
#6 opened by Xyphenore - 3
Metro Window not breakable
#7 opened by SugarDaddii - 5
The game crashes when you switch to the next page in the creative menu
#8 opened by Stormgrizli - 4
Metro windows are uncraftable
#26 opened by bangetto - 4
v0.4.4 for fabric 1.19.2 has the forge version of create as a dependency
#30 opened by calliecameron - 1
More sliding doors?
#31 opened by Othercakes - 1
Where's the guide to the mod
#32 opened by AndresAyala32 - 1
Suggestion: Add non-functional but movable train tracks
#33 opened by InadequateFox - 1
[1.18] Weird Pilot-Player hitbox interaction
#36 opened by V972