Berry's Mod

Berry's Mod


Requires Fabric API.

About the inactivity: Sorry for not updating this mod in forever. School has been catching up to me lately and it's getting hard to make free time for what I want to do. I am also, frankly, very not good at Java. In my attempts to work on the next update, I'm realizing that I need to learn a lot more about both Java and how Minecraft itself works. Because of this, I will be putting this mod on hiatus until I can look back at what I want to do with it and say with certainty that I can pull it off successfully. Thanks for the support you've given me, it means a lot, and I promise that v2.0.0 and a Forge port will come eventually! (っ ◕ ω ◕ )っ🎔

 Note: I archived versions v1.0.0-1.1.2 because I didn't realize the food items were completely and utterly OP (Exhibit A: Golden Berry Pie giving 36 full shanks of saturation) and people are downloading those versions instead of the most recent, balanced versions, taking advantage of my prior incompetence. I don't plan on rereleasing these older versions. Sorry, not sorry.

My first mod, based on a forum post by XDChristophXD on the Minecraft Forums.

This mod adds new food items made with Sweet Berries, such as pie, jam, and golden variants of them.

New Items

Golden Berries: A new food item that acts like watered down Golden Apples when eaten. They provide the same amount of hunger as Sweet Berries, a slight bit more saturation, and give 3 seconds of Regeneration when eaten.

Sweet Berry Pie: A new food item. Provides 3.5 hunger.

Golden Berry Pie: A new food item. Gives 4 hunger, 8 seconds of Regeneration and 45 seconds of Night Vision.

Sweet Berry Jam: A new food item. Gives 2 hunger and a lot of saturation.

Golden Berry Jam: A new food item. Gives 2.5 hunger, a lot of saturation, and 5 seconds of regeneration.

Cranberries: Restores 1 shank of hunger, but 2 shanks of saturation.

Golden Cranberries: Restores 1 shank of hunger and 2.5 saturation, and gives 5 seconds of Regeneration. 

Alternatively, craft some with regular Cranberries and Gold Nuggets!

New Blocks

Berry Block Recipe

Berry Block: A generic compression block for Sweet Berries that is used in making Sweet Berry Jam. Can be broken with fists.

Berry Block Decompression

It can be decompressed, too!

Golden Berry Block

Golden Berry Block: A generic compression block for the Golden Berries that is used in making Golden Berry Jam. Can be broken with fists.

Golden Berry Block Decompression

It can be decompressed, too!

As this is my first mod, I would love to receive feedback on how I can improve this mod and my future work! I plan on working on this mod further, so keep an eye on this mod!


1. Give the berry blocks unique properties.

2. Berry Slingshot.