Best Mazes

Best Mazes



This mod is all about mazes and minotaurs. However these are particular mazes: they are 3 DIMENSIONAL. Which means that once you reach an intersection you not only have to choose between right, left, forward, backwards, but also up and down.


There are 13 + 1 different types of mazes, each one spawns in only one biome and has got its own minotaur. Each minotaur drops it's own key. You will need 4 different keys to unlock the last maze in the End dimension.

All the mazes are underground-located but you can easly find their entrances on the surface. This is what they look like:

Here's the list of biomes where you can find mazes:

  • Forest
  • Taiga
  • Swamp
  • Desert
  • Plains
  • Jungle
  • Birch forest
  • Ice plains
  • Nether
  • Ocean
  • Roofed forest
  • Extreme hills
  • Savanna
  • End

Here's the list of loots you will find in the mazes:

  • Forest ==> Minotaur Ivory Boots
  • Taiga ==> Minotaur Ivory Chestplate
  • Swamp ==> Potions
  • Desert ==> Minotaur Ivory Sword
  • Plains ==> Saddle and Horse Armor
  • Jungle ==> Minotaur Ivory Helmet
  • Birch forest ==> Spawn Eggs + Ender Dragon Egg
  • Ice plains ==> Enchanted Golden Apples
  • Nether ==> Nether Star/Ghast Tears
  • Ocean ==> Ender Pearls/Sponges
  • Roofed forest ==> Records
  • Extreme hills ==> Bottles of Enchanting
  • Savanna ==> Minotaur Ivory Leggins
  • End  ==> Enchanted Minotaur Ivory Sword + Minotaur Ivory PickAxe


  • Watch out for secret passages through walls, they could save you a lot of time.
  • There could be secret chests.


This maze spawns underground in the End dimension.

There is no entrance above the surface. So you will have to dig/find your way down to the gate.

This is the final room


They are the guardians of the mazes. Each one has got a different color and drops a different key.

Be careful! They are pretty strong. You will probably need a diamond equipment to fight one.


This mod adds a few NEW ITEMS. They are all NOT craftable and you will get them in the mazes chests or by killing minotaurs:

  •  Minotaur Ivory Armor: special armor, particularly effective against minotaurs.

  • Minotaur Ivory Sword: special sword, particularly effective against minotaurs.

  • Minotaur Ivory Pickaxe: special pickaxe able to harvest PiselliteBricks.

  • Keys: special keys dropped by minotaurs.

You will need them to unlock the final maze


This mod adds a few NEW BLOCKS:

  • Pisellite Bricks: special indestructible block.
  • Pisellite Bricks Slab: special indestructible block.


It's not so easy to solve a maze. Once you find one do not just enter without a plan. You will need: a strong armor to kill the Minotaur, torches (only the last room is well-lighted), cobblestone/stairs/ladders to move up and down, and most important of all you will need food! Solving the maze could take up to 30 min and Steve is going to starve without food.

Have fun!