- 1
[Suggestion] Screen trembling effect with wieldings of weapons
#209 opened by ChromaPIE - 1
Feature Request: Add attack animation while walking
#210 opened by FirdausCraft10 - 2
Seeing your own player model in front of you during combat animations(Inconsistent)
#211 opened by n0valey - 1
Visual Head Glitch
#212 opened by OkScrub - 3
Using better combat in a server causing player to get kick.
#213 opened by Duplicate34 - 2
[Quilt 1.19.2] Better Combat causes the game to crash on load if other mods adding mobs are present
#214 opened by SimplyTadpole - 1
Minecraft doesn't start
#215 opened by eiidrovo - 1
Process exited with code -1
#216 opened by eiidrovo - 2
[Forge] 1.19.3, rendering error with First Person Models
#217 opened by Rohtea - 5
Most recent release crashes
#218 opened by Aceplante - 1
Incompability with Kelvin's Better Player Animations
#219 opened by variety754 - 1
Crashing seems inevitable...
#220 opened by DeathWray - 2
[Sugestion/Compability] some cool ideas i had and that id like to see in the mod and customizable player models animation editing
#225 opened by bruhicantlogin - 1
Player Animations
#221 opened by papamaionise - 5
FPS problem of dual-holding weapons
#223 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 1
Contrasting attack speed breaks dual wielding
#224 opened by MrHazMat - 1
Crosshair inconsistant
#226 opened by Aceplante - 1
Make Attack Range Editable via items from other mods (e.g. arm extender in Things mod)
#227 opened by ereese99 - 2
adding "no jumping while attacking" option
#228 opened by ZEENCL - 1
Incompatibility with Forbidden and arcanus.
#229 opened by drakosoldier298 - 3
body visible in first person in multiplayer
#230 opened by harithmf - 3
Add vanilla tools
#235 opened by Aceplante - 2
Crash when staring at skeleton horse/entity with broken ownership
#231 opened by AnOpenSauceDev - 1
broken weapons when i use better combat in multiplayer
#232 opened by anreww2910 - 1
should make axes ACTUALLY work and not just act like a weapon
#233 opened by sijalids - 5
[Forge] Upgrade Aquatic
#234 opened by riley-9054 - 8
Problem using with Shield Expansion
#241 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 5
There is an issue with the position of the hand when holding a long handled weapon.
#236 opened by 48004800 - 1
Weapon Specific Movement Speed while Attacking options
#237 opened by Squidman13 - 3
Offhand glitch with two-handed weapons
#238 opened by SanicFan19 - 6
Crash on launch, 1.19.2
#239 opened by Derpford - 3
[Incompability] Losing dyed color when swinging (Fancydyes)
#240 opened by Rad586 - 1
Attack speed minimum?
#246 opened by Aceplante - 6
Broken animations in third person
#242 opened by evelynn999000 - 7
Problem with Alex's Mobs
#243 opened by Explode007 - 5
[Forge] Scale Attack Range with Forge's Attack Range Attribute
#244 opened by BookerCatch - 3
Changes to default sweeping and to duel wielding speed
#245 opened by BluBangs - 1
Adding sprint, crouch and jump specific atacks animations
#252 opened by MrDraxs - 1
Invisible weapon swings in 1st person using Canvas Renderer (1.19.2)
#247 opened by gamerpotion - 1
#248 opened by MagmaBro123 - 0
Modifying weapon/tool stats using attribute modifiers or the "Property Modifier" mod swaps the order of weapon/tool stat text
#249 opened by TyrionReyukra - 3
#250 opened by Rogenar - 1
Better Combat Working With Mobs?
#251 opened by ZEENCL - 3
ScalaCube Forge Server Fails to Load Mod
#256 opened by JAMalcolmson - 1
Have mobs inherit the combat system
#254 opened by DaanSchar - 3
Mod conflict with Sully's Mod
#255 opened by Uraneptus - 4
[Feature request] More accurate first person attack animations.
#259 opened by Warhand - 1
Glaive stalking action anomaly
#257 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 27
Gigantic Lag while using two-handed weapons or seeing someone using. (BendyLib)
#258 opened by Zaatch - 1
[Question] What happens with the Sweeping Edge enchantment
#260 opened by Catomax262