- 2
1.18.1 - Fuel Liquid Upgrade works with Creosote Oil, but not consumed it
#19 opened by Justus75 - 2
1.4.3-1.12.2 Forge2860 When I only load BetterFurnaces Reforged and the game was crashed
#20 opened by 167OSS - 2
[1.18] Furnace to Iron Furnace Upgrade Deletes Furnace
#14 opened by Boomflex - 1
Startup CRASH/modloading issues with Ultimate Furnaces and the latest Better Furnaces Reforged.
#15 opened by Cynix32 - 2
Relog deletes furnace inventory
#16 opened by Crowvas - 1
Shift+LeftMouseClick BUG
#17 opened by awe74 - 16
upgrades don't work
#18 opened by Patatoso3 - 2
Crash on world start
#26 opened by hypernova132 - 2
[1.18.1, 1.1.1]Factory upgrade auto-input voids items
#21 opened by hypernova132 - 2
Cobblestone Generator can't return to state 0
#22 opened by mouse0270 - 1
Upgrade of advanced ore processing doesn't works
#23 opened by Phoenix-99 - 5
Duplicating ores without upgrade
#24 opened by shrad1994 - 3
Disconnected on join while having a Advanced Ore Processing Upgrade in inventory
#25 opened by Beaast-exe - 4
Server Crash, Mod doesn't work.
#27 opened by Hydraxuz - 2
No Output.
#28 opened by liltoby - 3
Game Crashing
#29 opened by Stormcatcher86 - 6
Cobblestone generator crashed the game
#30 opened by Mirko166 - 2
Can't connect to server
#31 opened by Mirko166 - 1
Missing Textures
#32 opened by NemyaYiduol - 4
Lose buckets
#36 opened by CosminSA - 1
Client crash when opening cobblestone generator
#33 opened by Neurosis404 - 1
Orientation of extreme forge incorrect
#34 opened by Staegrin - 1
Tells me to update, but on the latest version
#42 opened by fpinkela - 15
Auto-Input and Factory Upgrades not checking inventories 1.18.2
#43 opened by Staegrin - 2
Server Crash Right-click Cobblestone Generator
#37 opened by Tyrius1 - 3
Client Crash Cobblestone Generator Screen
#38 opened by penguin421 - 2
Server crash 1.16.5
#39 opened by MagicFun1241 - 1
Crash on Start 1.18.2
#40 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
Cobblestone generator crash
#41 opened by SonicGleb - 3
Game Crash (Block entity being ticked cobblestone_generator)
#44 opened by Arshia-D - 1
Cobblestone Generator doesn't work (1.19 forge 41.0.63)
#45 opened by DragonEater2008 - 3
Liquid Fuel Upgrade doesn't carry the block fluid 1.16.5-1.9.4
#47 opened by Lenis-Felipe - 3
#48 opened by Lenis-Felipe - 3
Infinite Fuel Glitch
#50 opened by TC1010tiago - 2
Not burning Fuel
#51 opened by wildkurt - 2
Duplicating Items
#52 opened by Junior-Winchester - 4
[1.16.5] CRASH When using furnaces from Ultimate BFR Addon
#53 opened by Cynix32 - 1
Ultimate Furnaces crashes
#54 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 1
Forge texture bug
#55 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 5
Crash with PMMO
#56 opened by OhHeyItsK - 2
Project MMO 1.19 Compat Request
#57 opened by Caltinor - 1
Upgrade Dupe 1.19.2
#58 opened by Daihok41 - 8
[1.19.2 Forge] Crashed with Fuzss mods
#59 opened by RedBeast1959 - 11
Xp tank crash game again (or still?) 1.19.2
#60 opened by adamkad1 - 2
using an energy upgrade causes the game to crash and the world to be unacessible
#61 opened by superforgamer - 2
Crash With Entangled 1.19.2
#62 opened by Cyranos - 1
PMMO Parity Update [1.18.2/1.19]
#63 opened by OhHeyItsK - 1
[1.12.2]Extract error
#64 opened by mczph - 3
query about mod version 1.16.5 (Ultimate Furnaces)
#66 opened by Patatoso3 - 2
Crash With Factory Upgrade [1.16.5]
#67 opened by Switch-Back18