Better One Block

Better One Block


This is a mod recommended for sky islands, but not just sky islands and it's inspired by the one block map by ijaminecraft.

Are you tired of waiting endlessly in the sky island map to collect debris from wood chips and flying dust? But there is an endless mining block here. Try to dig and you will get better and better things. Maybe it's a new block, a treasure chest, maybe a new creature, or even you can get a complete end portal to the end through it! Of course, you won't be able to get those rare items initially, but as long as you keep digging. Mod comes with music and sound effects control functions, which will give you a profound experience. That's it for this mod. 



  • If you want to join a skyblock mod such as Sky Builder, you just need to prepare a NBT file with the block named as "oneblock:one_stone". 
  • Or you can give every new player a fantasy bracelet to set the start position.
  • Also you can use the command "/oneblock set ~ ~ ~"
  • Use the Skyblock Builder present config from Github Page


Each stage would need to dig different block.

  • Phase 0: Tutorial
  • Phase 1: The Plains
  • Phase 2: The Underground
  • Phase 3: Icy Tundra
  • Phase 4: Steaminess (New)
  • Phase 5: Ocean
  • Phase 6: Jungle Dungeon
  • Phase 7: Red Desert
  • Phase 8: The Nether
  • Phase 9: Idyll
  • Phase 10: Travel (New)
  • Phase 11: Desolate Land
  • Phase 12: Subterranean Depths (New)
  • Phase 13: The End
  • Afterphases


You can make a datapack, refer to datapacks depository. 

It could set block, mob, loot table, structure, config feature, template, sound, command and their combination.


You can make your own datapack while there are some built-in compat package (not list all here) and you can enable or disable them in config.

  • Create
  • [Let's Do] Bakery
  • [Let's Do] Beachparty
  • [Let's Do] Blooming Nature
  • [Let's Do] Candlelight
  • HerbalBrews
  • Fruitful Fun 🍊
  • Upgrade Aquatic
  • Farmer's Delight
  • Nature's Spirit (Sinytra Connector)
  • Better End  (Sinytra Connector)


Thanks to ijaminecraft for making the one block map which encouraged me to enjoy Minecraft with thousands of blocks.

Thanks to Teacon community, especially Raymond__Blaze and Mikhail Tapio.


Feel free to join it into a Curseforge modpack. please contact me for other modpacks.

This mod enters the stable stage from 1.2. If you start playing the game from an earlier version, please delete the old configuration file.