Better Performance FPS (Culling, lazyloading +)

Better Performance FPS (Culling, lazyloading +)


Better Performance FPS

Optimize settings and various method to boost fps! Designed to reduce lag and improve performance,.

What is it about ?

- Enhanced Entity Culling: Only renders entities visible in your field of view which reduce the CPU's cost. Using frustum culling, entities outside your immediate view are hidden, helping CPU = more FPS.

- Optimized Entity Ticking: Controls how often entities update, ticks load are reduced.

- Async Chunk Loading: Prepares chunks in the background to avoid an impact on performance.

Before: (- Warning this may be not accurate depending on your settings)



Feel free to use this mod in any modpacks as it will make it smoother. Perfect for light to heavy modpacks, the mod fit with any other mod while keeping FPS.