Makes mods from other pipes work like GT6 pipes Mods supported: Vanilla Gregtech Community Edition AE2 (dense and smart) Buildcraft Cyclic EnderIO Immersive Engineering (WIP) Logistics Pipes (WIP) Mekanism PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Thermal Dynamics Adding support for your mod: To add compatibility for your pipes: - Create a class extending CompatBaseTE if your pipes are tileentities, or implement ICompatBase if they're blocks - Check the javadoc descriptions or look at my implementations to see how to implement the required methods - If all requied mods are loaded and you want compatibility to be enabled, add a new instance of your compat class to BetterPipes.instance.COMPAT_LIST in PostInit To add compatibility for your wrench: - Create a class implementing IWrenchProvider - Check the javadoc descriptions or look at my implementation to see how to implement the required methods - If you want to enable compatibility, add a new instance of your wrench provider to BetterPipes.instance.WRENCH_PROVIDERS in PostInit