Better Redstone - SMP
Better Redstone adds blocks that the community has been waiting for a long time, such as the Miner Block, the Placer Block, the Pearl Cage, the Mob Trap, the Instant TNT...
It also adds a new mechanic, Whenever you DIE you drop a heart item and you lose a permanent heart, running out of hearts will put you on spectator mode and drinking the heart item will grant you a new permanent heart.
Heart system is needed for some crafting recipes.
Mob Trap
Works With Players too!
Instant TNT
Explodes instantly - Only activated with redstone
Pearl Cage
Right click with a pearl to load the cage
It will teleport the pearl owner when a redstone signal hits the block
Sound Muffler
Stops Redstone Sounds like Pistons and Dispensers while activated with redstone
Dripstone Spikes
Hurst the mob in the spikes when activated with redstone
(Needs to be turned off and on in order to hurt)
Redstone Heart
Needs a heart item to work.
Sends a redstone signal when the owner has 3 hearts or less.
the heart item will get consumed.
Falling Block
Solid block that will fall like sand when powered with redstone
Button Detector
Sends a redstone signal when the button gets pressed
Stops sending the signal when the button gets pressed again
Redstone Clock
Repeats a signal every 20 ticks (1 second)
Right Click to speed up the signal rate by 5 ticks (1/4 second)
Redstone Eye
Sends a redstone signal when a nearby mob has the same item equipped in armor or any of their hands
Redstone Detector
Sends a redstone signal if the item inside of it
is the same as an item near in the ground
Redstone Fan
Pushes mobs and items in the direction its facing like a fan
Miner and Placer Block
The placer block places the block inside of it (only one slot)
The miner block needs a tool inside of it to work (It will damage the tool very quickly when used)
Magnet Block
If not powered, nearby items will get pushed away form the magnet
If powered with redstone, it will psuh the items into the magnet