Bio Metals

Bio Metals


This mod add new Metals to Minecraft.

The following metals were added : Antimony, Beryllium, Beryllium Copper, Netherite Steel, Nordic Gold, Rose Gold, Tungsten, Tungsten Steel, Zircaloy, Zirconium.

Beryllium Copper, Netherite Steel, Tungsten Steel and Zircaloy have tools and armors. Netherite Steel also give fire resistance with the full set. like Netherite it can't burn in lava and other stuff.

Antimony Ore spawn in Jungle and Swamp Biomes, Zirconium Spawn in Savanah and Desert Biomes, Tungsten spawn in Forest Biomes. Beryllum spawn in all biomes.

Note: this mod doesn't add any ways of crafting the alloys added by the mod. I'm working on a tech mod that will add the processing for the ores.

Thanks to ridanisaurus for the base texture used for the ingot, nugget, dust, gear, plate, rod, chunk and cluster.
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