RANDOM INFORMATION requirements to play in minecraft launcher: you need forge, this mod and java to play in minecraft launcher, also in curseforge. WARNING for child safety: there is lava and fire. Note: you need a PC or Laptop that can run ~300 mobs and lots of leaves breaking. WHAT THIS MOD ADDS this mod adds two biomes, Winter snow and... Finland (portrayed by long night hours) Winter Snow: Winter Snow is a very cold biome that turns Air color, Grass color, Foliage color and Water color gray or #CCCCCC and Water color bright blue or #99FFFF, the surface and under surface is snow block, it covers 6.875% of surface, there are custom TALL trees, the tree is mega spruce trees, it includes stem, branch and fruits, in this biome structures spawn normal mineshafts,mesa-style mineshafts, pillager outposts, swamp huts, igloos, shipwrecks, beached shipwrecks, taiga villages, and nether ruined portals, in this biome those mobs spawn: Entity , spawn type, spawn weight, group size: minimum, maximum stray , monster ,25 , : 1 , 3 chicken , ambient ,20 , : 6 , 6 blaze , ambient ,14 , : 1 , 1 rabbit , ambient ,20 , : 3 ,4 piglin brute, monster ,23 , : 1 ,2 Finland: Finland is a MIDDLE hot biome that can rain, it turns Air color, Grass color, Foliage color, Water color and Water fog color black or #000000, the surface is oak leaves and under surface is black concrete, it covers 6.875% of surface, there are custom (not) TALL trees, the tree is Birch Trees, all stem, branch, vines and fruits include lava still, in this biome structures spawn strongholds, normal mineshafts, mesa-style mineshafts, pillager outposts, woodland mansions, jungle temples, desert pyramids, swamp huts, igloos, ocean monuments, shipwrecks, beached shipwrecks, savanna villages, buried treasures, nether fortresses, nether fossils, bastion remnants, end cities, desert ruined portals and warm ocean ruins, in this biome those mobs spawn: NOTHING GUINEA PIG VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvK1KirBQ70&pp=ygUKZ3VpbmVhIHBpZw==