Black Market

Black Market


This Mod adds a Black Market to Minecraft allowing you to obtain more items in survival that were not obtainable before.

The Black Market Trader is a suspicious guy that has a rare chance of spawning in your world. You can trade him diamonds for a random banned item from Minecraft. Here are the possible things he will give you for a diamond:

Command Block

Barrier Block


Spawn Egg


Light Block


Player Head

Infested Stone

End Portal Frame

After you trade with the Black Market Trader 3 times then he will vanish. The Black Market Trader is similar to the Wandering Trader and can spawn anywhere in the overworld. If you try to kill the Black Market Trader then he will just vanish before you can deal any damage to him. The Black Market Trader is technically a Illager but he is passive.

The Black Market Stand is a new rare structure that can generate in almost any biome. A Black Market Trader will spawn in this Structure. The Black Market Stand also contains a chest with different banned Minecraft items.

Here is a video on the Mod: