Block O' Water

Block O' Water


Block O' Water Build Status CurseForge Badge

Block O' Water


A Minecraft Forge mod that adds a single block, a "Block O' Water". This block generates water and pushes at configurable rates under configurable conditions.


  • Generation Rate

    • How much to generate
    • How often to generate
  • Push Rate

    • Whether pushing is enabled
    • How much to push
    • How often to push
  • Working Conditions

    • Whether a River or Ocean biome is required
    • Whether to work in the Nether
  • Tooltips describing settings

    • Whether tooltips are enabled
    • Whether to show tooltips always or only when Sneak is held


Feel free to add this mod to any modpacks you'd like.


Please submit an issue describing any bugs or feature requests.


All code and images are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.