Version 7.0.0 Beta 4 for 1.16.5 is available to download now!
This mod adds small, block-like creatures into your world that spawn in most grassy areas. They can then be tamed using flowers and are able to perform different tasks for you in the world, as well as gain experience and level up. For example, your blockling will be able to guard you from evil creatures at night, go mining with you deep underground, chop away at trees as well as plant and harvest crops.
Guide for Version 6
There are not a lot of things to know to be able to use this mod:
1. Blocklings spawn in grassy areas such as plains or forests (they can be quite rare).
2. Blocklings love flowers, so if you find one you can tame them using flowers just like you a wolf with bones.
3. Once they are tamed, sneak and right click on them to open their GUI or right click without the flower to make them sit/follow.
4. Inside the GUI there are 8 tabs.
5. Stats: The stats tab shows all your blockling's stats. There are 4 levels (Combat, Mining, Woodcutting and Farming) which will gain xp when the blockling performs a task for that skill. The 3 buttons at the bottom tell your blockling what to do. The first button tells you blockling what task they should perform (i.e. do you want them to hunt other mobs, chop trees etc). The middle button switches your blockling between guard mode or not. When in guard mode they will act like a wolf and attack anything you attack. The third button allows you to swap between states (staying, following or wandering) almost like a wolf.
6. Equipment: Here you can see what tools your blockling has equipped. You can either place the tools into these slots here or just right click on your blockling with them. They need different tools to perform each task. E.g, for mining they will need at least a stone pickaxe to mine coal. The 'A' icons underneath can be clicked to let the blockling swap tools automatically depending on what they are doing (green on, red off). The top slot is the material upgrade slot. Some items can be placed in here for a chance to change the type of your blockling. So putting a lapis block in there has a 50% chance to turn the blockling into a lapis blockling. Each upgrade comes with a unique set of bonus stats.
Upgrade materials include:
- Dirt/Grass
- Logs
- Pumpkin
- Stone
- Iron Ingot
- Nether Quartz
- Gold Ingot
- Lapis Lazuli
- Emerald
- Diamond
- Obsidian
7. Inventory: Quite simply an inventory where everything the blockling collects will end up. Some of the slots are blocked off as you will need to unlock abilities to use them.
8. Abilities: Each abilities tab contains a set of abilities which your blockling can buy using skill points. Skill points are gained every 5 levels. Some abilities have level requirements and cost more than 1 skill point. To buy an ability, click on it (it will turn green) and click 'buy' at the bottom. To reallocate your skill points to different skills, use the reallocate button, however, be warned that there is a chance to lose levels and skill points when doing this!
9. Creative Mode: In creative mode you can spawn blocklings using a normal spawn egg and you can use a bottle of enchanting to level them up to 99. Just right click them with it like you would a flower or tool for instance.
Guide for Version 4.1.x
To get started, you will need to find a blockling. They spawn in most grassy areas as other animals would do and can be tamed like wolves using flowers (flowers are used for a lot of different things so it is good have a quite a few on hand). Once tamed, you can heal your blockling by feed them flowers. You can also make them sit, follow and wander around by right clicking on them (make sure you don’t have a flower in your hand as it won’t work).
If you shift + right click with a flower in hand, you will be able to pick up your blockling in item form and carry them around. Then just right click on the ground to put them back down as they were.
If you are to shift + right click without a flower you will open the blockling’s interface. You should see a screen with the blockling’s statistics.
You can rename your blockling using the text field in the top right (make sure to press ENTER when done).
Each blockling has 4 skills and tasks they can complete. They can fight, mine ores, chop trees and farm crops and in doing so will gain experience and level up. You can check this information by hovering over each skill (‘Speed’ refers to how fast they can swing their little arms to perform the task).
As they level up they their stats will increase so they become faster and stronger, but this isn’t the only way to better their performance as will be described later.
You can use the 3 buttons at the bottom to change what the blockling is currently doing.
The first button changes the task the blockling is doing between None, Hunting, Mining, Woodcutting and Farming.
If you want your blockling to protect you, you can set guard to yes in the middle.
The last button will change how your blockling moves, just as right clicking normally does. This means you can set the blockling to follow you, sit down or wander around whilst still doing a set task.
Now you may be wondering how that pickaxe got there?
Easy. You can either right click/shift + right click with a tool to equip them with it. Or you can go to the left hand tab to go to the blockling’s inventory.
Here you can equip your blockling with items and access their inventory. When gathering blocks from their tasks the items will end up here where you are able to take them from.
The little A in between the held item slots is for the autoswitch feature. This allows the blockling to change what tool to use (from their inventory) depending on what task they are doing. If you click on it it will change colour. Each colour will change which slots can be swapped out from.
Red = No autoswitching will occur
Blue = Autoswitching will only happen in the left slot/main hand
Yellow = Autoswitching will only happen in the right hand
Green = Autoswitching will happen in both slots, but will prioritise dual wielding for speed
Once you have your blockling geared up and task selected, whenever they are nearby the respective target they will begin work. So if you have them set to hunt, when near an entity they will attack and if you have them set to mine, when near an ore they will mine it.
The last thing you need to know is the array of upgrades you can give to your blockling. These will give them a boost in various aspects of their being and are separated into the 4 categories: Special, Type, Potion and Stat upgrades.
To give them these upgrades you need to navigate upgrades inventory screen.
- Special upgrades go in the top left 2 slots
- Type upgrades go in the top middle slot
- Potion upgrades go in the top right 2 slots
- Stat upgrades go in the bottom slots
If your blockling is to perish, it will drop itself as an item, like when you pick it up, but there is a 33% chance for each upgrade to be destroyed.
Also be sure to check out the config file to tweak things to your liking.
Recipes for Version 4.1.x
Special Upgrades
Potion effects have a chance to last twice as long when attacking
Increase the distance a blockling can mine by 1 block
Highlights the position of the blockling with the glowing effect
Chance to instantly mine a block
Chance to instantly chop a log
Chance to instantly farm a crop
Type Upgrades
Each changes health, damage and speed depending on type.
Potion Upgrades
Adds a leaping attack to blockling
Attacks inflict poison effect
Attacks inflict slowness effect
Strength increased
Attacks inflict weakness effect
Attacks inflict wither effect
Stat Upgrades
These upgrades need to go in their corresponding slot which can be worked out by shift clicking or matching the middle symbols.
Adds a regeneration effect
Attacks set target on fire
Bursts of insane speed
Bursts of super-fast attacks
Immunity from fire damage (and lava)