Block Sniffer

Block Sniffer


Block Sniffer


This is a Scenter-like mod. It can show you a way to the target block(s).


  1. Optimize the scanning rule,by default,it will skip air block.
  2. Use command to add/remove target block(s) or change work mode.
  3. No need to find the name(id) of the block,you can add the block in-hand or looking at (with meta).
  4. Multi thread to scan the world,no lag.
  5. Customizable work mode/range.
  6. Supports several formats of colors. Hex Value(#abcdef),Minecraft Color(&5/&e),Web Color(blue,magenta),MapColor.
  7. Add Gamma settings command.
  8. Full command tabCompletions support.


  1. This mod only can be used in client side.
  2. Java: JDK 1.8 Language Level: 8
  3. Don't use this mod in multi-player servers to cheat !


command function
/sniffer main command, simplify /sf
/sf g/gamma [0-15] get/set Gamma
/sf reload reload config
/sf reset reset target
/sf setblock look│{<x> <y> <z>} <id│name> set block (client side)
/sf t/target i/info show information of current target
/sf t/target m/mode [{0│1}] get/set work mode
/sf t/target h/hrange [{0-15}] get/set horizon range(chunk)
/sf t/target v/vrange [{0-255}] get/set vertical range(block)
/sf t/target d/depth [{0-255}] [{0-255}] get/set vertical depth range(0-255)
/sf t/target c/color [{#abcdef}│{&e}│{blue}│map] get/set particle color
/sf t/target rm/remove remove current target
/sf t/target cla/clear clear all targets
/sf t/target add <{name│id}│hold│look> [meta] [{0-15}] add a new target
/sf t/target add {name│id} add the block named name or id=id as a new target(ignore meta)
/sf t/target add hold meta add the held block as a new target,using it's meta
/sf t/target add look meta {0-15} add the looking block as a new target with the specific meta(0-15)
/sf t/target skip skip current target block which can not be harvested.(client set block to air)
/sf sub l/list show the sub-blocks of current target
/sf sub add <{name│id}│hold│look> [meta] [{0-15}] add sub block to current target
/sf sub rm/remove <{uid}> remove sub block with the uid uid

Default values

option default value
work mode 0 fixed range, usingdepth
horizon range 1chunk
vertical range 16block
depth range (y) 0level-64level
particle color using MapColor
default target minecraft:diamond_ore/0,meta0

方块探测 (Block Sniffer)


此Mod是 矿物追踪 (Scenter) 的改进增强版, 主要功能也是探测方块.


  1. 优化扫描规则, 默认跳过空气方块, 加快探测速度.
  2. 可通过指令热添加/删除探测目标, 并设置工作模式和参数.
  3. 不必再查方块的注册名, 可直接添加手持方块或光标所在的方块.
  4. 子线程探测, 大范围探测时不会导致游戏进程卡顿.
  5. 高度自定义探测范围、探测模式, 水平最大探测半径15区块.
  6. 支持多种颜色格式, 十六进制(#abcdef)、Minecraft颜色(&5、&e)、Web标准色(blue、magenta)、地图色(MapColor).
  7. 添加Gamma设置指令.
  8. 完全支持的命令补全.


  1. 该Mod只能用于客户端, 不会影响其他与服务端匹配的Mod;如果将本Mod用于服务端可能导致崩溃.
  2. 编译环境为JDK 1.8 语言级别 8 ,所以java7及以下可能无法正常运行.如有需要可自行修改并编译源码.
  3. 请不要在多人联机时使用本Mod作弊.


符号 意义
x/xx 相同的指令
x│xx 选择其中一个
xxx 指令(没有{}修饰表示该字段是一个指令, 需要照写)
<xxx> 必填项
[xxx] 选填项
{xxx} 参数
x-y 范围
[{x│y}] 选填其中一个参数
<{x│y}> 必填其中一个参数
[{x-y}] 选填范围内参数
指令 功能
/sniffer 总指令, 简写/sf
/sf g/gamma [0-15] 查看/设置 Gamma 值
/sf reload 重载配置
/sf reset 复位探测器
/sf setblock look│{<x> <y> <z>} <id│name> 设置目标位置为指定方块(客户端)
/sf t/target i/info 查看当前探测目标信息
/sf t/target m/mode [{0│1}] 查看/设置探测模式
/sf t/target h/hrange [{0-15}] 查看/设置水平探测半径(区块)
/sf t/target v/vrange [{0-255}] 查看/设置垂直探测半径(方块)
/sf t/target d/depth [{0-255}] [{0-255}] 查看/设置探测深度范围
/sf t/target c/color [{#abcdef}│{&e}│{blue}│map] 查看/设置粒子颜色
/sf t/target rm/remove 移除当前探测目标
/sf t/target cla/clear 清除所有探测目标
/sf t/target add <{name│id}│hold│look> [meta] [{0-15}] 添加探测目标
/sf t/target add {name│id} 添加名为name或id为id的方块到新的探测目标, 将无视元数据
/sf t/target add hold meta 添加手持方块到新的探测目标, 并使用当前元数据
/sf t/target add look meta {0-15} 添加光标处方块到新的探测目标, 并使用指定的元数据
/sf t/target skip 跳过当前探测到得目标位置,以跳过无法挖掘的方块(客户端设置为空气)
/sf sub l/list 显示当前目标包含的子目标
/sf sub add <{name│id}│hold│look> [meta] [{0-15}] 添加子目标
/sf sub rm/remove <{uid}> 移除当前目标下id为uid的子目标


内容 默认值
探测模式 0固定深度探测, 使用depth
水平探测半径 1区块
垂直探测半径 16方块
探测深度范围 0层-64
粒子颜色 使用MapColor
默认探测目标 钻石原矿,元数据0